⟡ Welcome!

Mae gov­an­nen!

Anduin™ is the data­base sys­tem now used to study Tolkien’s man­u­scripts for The Lord of the Rings at Mar­quette Uni­ver­si­ty. It con­tains dig­i­tal scans of all the man­u­scripts and enables researchers to nav­i­gate eas­i­ly through Marquette’s col­lec­tion, study­ing Tolkien’s mag­num opus by book, chap­ter, draft of chap­ter, and (even­tu­al­ly) by indi­vid­ual passage.

Anduin replaces the old­er, cum­ber­some method of study­ing micro­film and pho­to­copies. The goal of Anduin is to improve the research expe­ri­ence, help­ing schol­ars make effi­cient use of their time, and facil­i­tat­ing the dis­cov­ery of new insights about The Lord of the Rings.

Because copy­right to Marquette’s Tolkien man­u­scripts remains with The Tolkien Estate Lim­it­ed, dig­i­tal scans in Anduin may be accessed only on-site in the archives read­ing room at Mar­quette. Though most of the sys­tem is use­able world-wide, off-site access to scanned images in Anduin is, we regret, pro­hib­it­ed with­out excep­tion. If you wish to use Anduin on-site in Mil­wau­kee, please email Dr. William Fliss, Archivist, to make an appointment.