
‘May you have joy of the sight, my good dwarf!’ said Gandalf. ‘But whatever you may do, we at least cannot stay in that valley. We must go down the Silverlode into the secret woods, and so to the Great River, and then — ’

0 scholia


Color hues in Anduin are provided as hints to sources and types of data. This is a key to the colors used — but distinguishing among them is not necessary for effective use of the system.

J.R.R. Tolkien
book/section/chapter citations
(reserved for future use)
Taum Santoski
default (of no particular significance)
Christopher Tolkien
John D. Rateliff
folios/pages; “main flow”
The River Anduin, depicted in Ted Nasmith’s “The Argonath,” courtesy the artist and Sophisticated Games