
At first it seemed to the hobbits that although they walked and stumbled until they were weary, they were creeping forward like snails, and getting nowhere. Each day the land looked much the same as it had the day before. Yet steadily the mountains were drawing nearer. South of Rivendell they rose ever higher, and bent westwards; and about the feet of the main range there was tumbled an ever wider land of bleak hills, and deep valleys filled with turbulent waters. Paths were few and winding, and led them often only to the edge of some sheer fall, or down into treacherous swamps.

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Color hues in Anduin are provided as hints to sources and types of data. This is a key to the colors used — but distinguishing among them is not necessary for effective use of the system.

J.R.R. Tolkien
book/section/chapter citations
(reserved for future use)
Taum Santoski
default (of no particular significance)
Christopher Tolkien
John D. Rateliff
folios/pages; “main flow”
The River Anduin, depicted in Ted Nasmith’s “The Argonath,” courtesy the artist and Sophisticated Games