MS. Tolkien, 3/4/19/1a| 1a2a
Folio 1a of folder LotR 3/4/19 is LR09653; its folder includes 51 other folios and 51 comments. 12 passages have been identified on this folio. In this context, LR09653 may also be cited as MS. Tolkien, 3/4/19/1a. [1]
LotR 2.05-P p9p 8p 9 |
LR09653 is the 9th page of the 2nd galley proof of “The Bridge of Khazad-dûm”; the draft includes 8 other pages and 0 comments. In this context, LR09653 may also be cited as LotR 2.05-P p9. [2]
1 passages in this draft have been identified on this page:
LotR 2.06-R p1| p 1p 2
LR09653 is the 1st page of the 2nd galley proof of “Lothlórien”; the draft includes 13 other pages and 0 comments. In this context, LR09653 may also be cited as LotR 2.06-R p1. [2]
11 passages in this draft have been identified on this page:
LR09653 detail
12 passages have been identified altogether on this page:
0 scholia
- [1]
- [2]
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